# Error messages

When you make an API call to Intergiro and there is an error, you will receive a response with HTTP status code different from 200. In this response, you get additional fields that help you diagnose and solve the error.

# Error message


400 Bad request
    status: 400,
    type: "malformed content",
    content: {
        property: "card.pan",
        type: "string",
        description: "Suspected fraud.",
    error: "suspected fraud",
    iso: {
        responseCode: "83",
        eci: "2",
        merchantAdviceCode: "01",
Property Type Description Optional
status number HTTP status code of the Error.
type string Type of the Error.
error Error code Switchable string defining the type of the error. Yes
description string Yes
content any Yes
iso Iso Yes

# Iso

Property Type Description Optional
responseCode string Yes
eci string Yes
responseCodeDescription string Yes
authorizationCode string Yes
networkCode string Yes
systemTraceAuditNumber string Yes
retrievalReferenceNumber string Yes
merchantAdviceCode string See description below Yes

# Error codes

Error code Reason
3ds problem 3-D Secure request was unable to complete
3ds authentication failure 3-D Secure authentication failed
acquirer error An unknown Card Network (Acquirer) error occured,
possibly due to connection issues.
amount limit The amount limit was exceeded
authentication required Additional authentication required
authorization not found The authorization could not be found
backend problem A Card Network (Acquirer) problem occured
blocked merchant Merchant blocked by cardholder
card declined Card was declined by issuer or card scheme
card lost or stolen Card has been reported lost or stolen
card restricted Card is restricted
card expired Card has expired
insufficient funds Insufficient funds on the card
invalid card number Card number is invalid. Please enter a valid number
invalid csc Invalid CVC code
invalid currency Invalid currency
invalid descriptor The transaction contains incorrect statement text and
could not be completed
invalid expire date Invalid Expire date
invalid input The card details are incorrect
invalid transaction The transaction contains incorrect information
merchant not found Merchant could not be found
rule violation Acquirer rules are not met
suspected fraud Card declined due to suspected fraud
unauthorized No further information due to security
forbidden Not allowed to perform request
unenrolled account number Card is not enrolled to 3DS by issuing bank
unknown error An unknown error occured. Check card details.
unsupported card Card is not supported
verification required 3D Secure verification required
service unavailable Service is temporarily unavailable.

# Mastercard merchant advice code mapping

Merchant advice Code Description
01 Updated/additional information needed.
02 Cannot approve at this time; try again later.
03 Do not try again.
04 Token requirements are not fulfilled for this token type.
21 Payment canceled
24 Retry after 1 hour
25 Retry after 24 hours
26 Retry after 2 days
27 Retry after 4 days
28 Retry after 6 days
29 Retry after 8 days
30 Retry after 10 days