# Create authorization

Create authorization is also known as Reservation of funds

An authorization is the reservation of a specified amount of money on a cardholder's credit/debit card. Authorization can be made for purpose of a one-off payment or for a recurring payment.

Depending on the type of your integration, 3D Secure might be performed by Intergiro or by the integrating party. If 3DS data was not provided a verification required error will be returned.

To create an Authorization, you need to prepare an Authorization creatable.

# Authorization

To make a reservation of funds, customer is required to provide the card number (PAN), expiration date and a CVV.

A response from 3ds service will be required, otherwise a verification required error will be returned.

# For PSPs using Automated integration (Intergiro 3DS service)


POST /v1/authorization/redirect
  "amount": 23.41,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "card": {
    "pan": "4111111111111111", // Alternatively use a tokenized card
    "expires": [2, 24],
    "csc": "987"
  "target": "<callback_url>" // Only if Intergiro 3ds service is used

# For PSPs using External integration (PSPs own 3DS service)


POST /v1/authorization
  "amount": 23.41,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "card": {
    "pan": "4111111111111111",
    "expires": [2, 24],
    "csc": "987",
    "verification": <3ds data>



HTTP 201 

  "id": "<intergiro_tx_id>",
  "merchant": "<merchant_id>",
  "created": "2021-04-01T09:00:00.000Z",
  "amount": 23.41,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "card": {
    "csc": "matched",
    "expires": [2, 24],
    "iin": "411111",
    "last4": "1111",
    "scheme": "visa",
    "type": "debit",
  "history": [],
  "capture": [],
  "refund": [],
  "status": {
      "authorized": 23.41
  "changed": "2023-02-20T12:25:02.134Z"

# Sale

The authorization can be auto captured by indicating "capture": "auto" on the Authorization creatable. Auto capture is not enabled by default.

# Funding

A funding authorization can be created by indicating "category": "funding" on the Authorization creatable and also providing "sender" and "receiver" properties. These properties are of type Contact, with "account_number", "account_type", "address" and "name" being required parameters for funding authorizations. Funding authorizations is only allowed for specific merchants and currently only with Visa cards.


POST /v1/authorization
  "number": "<your-authorization-number>",
  "amount": 12.34,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "card": {
    "pan": "4111111111111111",
    "expires": [
    "csc": "123"
  "category": "funding",
  "sender": {
    "name": {
      "first": "John",
      "last": "Smith"
    "address": {
      "city": "Stockholm",
      "street": "Pine Street 4",
      "zip_code": "12345",
      "country_code": "SE"
    "account_number": "4111111111111111",
    "account_type": "card"
  "receiver": {
    "name": {
      "first": "Peter",
      "last": "Wilson"
    "address": {
      "city": "Stockholm",
      "street": "Maple Street 5",
      "zip_code": "12340",
      "country_code": "SE"
    "account_number": "4200000000000000",
    "account_type": "card"