# Intro

Business banking

As an Intergiro business banking customer, you can use our Business Banking API to integrate your Intergiro business account into your existing systems and processes. For example, you can view your operational accounts, get transaction history, initiate payments — all without manual effort, which saves time and reduces costs and errors for your business operations.

Check some examples on how our Business API can help you:

💰 Manage your business cash flow

Retrieve or filter transaction details, and get account balances to help your internal reconciliation processes.

🚀 Create hundreds of payments in seconds

Automate transfers to your beneficiaries avoiding errors and manual work.

🕹️ Control your accounts funds

Build custom logics to manage your company’s budget by moving funds between your own accounts or topping up your card accounts automatically.

🔔 Get real time account updates and trigger flows based on events

By using webhooks, you can get notifications directly to your system about events or updates in real-time, like a payment received for example. You can also use these events to trigger other actions, such as initiating a transfer.


To get started using the Intergiro Business Banking API, you must be a registered Intergiro business customer.

To get started, you need to log in to your account and create an API key in the Intergiro Customer Portal (opens new window)