# Webhooks

Webhooks allow your platform to receive authorization status changes. Once you receive a status change via webhook, we guarantee it is safe to make a GET request to fetch the full authorization.

Note that webhooks should not be used as the main source of data fetching, and is not a replacement for data polling. Webhooks should be used as an addition to data polling, as we can not guarantee a time window of when the webhook is sent.

# Set Up

Share your desired webhook URL with us via email or Slack. Our team will manually register it in the system. You can choose to provide a dedicated URL for each merchant you have onboarded with Intergiro.

# When a webhook is triggered

Webhooks are triggered when an authorization status change occurs. The webhook is sent as a POST request. For failed authorizations, the webhook request will be sent after the standard 7-minute processing window, or earlier if possible.

# Retries

Webhooks are retried multiple times in case of a failure (e.g., non-200 HTTP responses), with a guarantee that the webhook will eventually be delivered unless all retry attempts are exhausted.

# Example

The webhook delivers a JSON payload with the following structure:

   "name": "authorizationStatusChanged",  // Event name
   "payload": {
      "authorizationId": "AUTH123456",    // Unique authorization ID
      "status": "captured"                // Possible statuses: authorized, failed, cancelled, captured, refunded