# Embedding in your website

Embedding the intergiro-card-input tag is the starting point for accepting payments from repeat customers. This tag is used for tokenizing card details and facilitating 3D Secure verification.

Created card tokens can be used with our all our other APIs that require card tokens.

This is a simple example of how Intergiro Card Input can be implemented, which will alert you the created card token.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script type="module" src="https://merchant.intergiro.com/ui/index.esm.js"></script>
  <script nomodule src="https://merchant.intergiro.com/ui/index.js"></script>
  <link href="https://merchant.intergiro.com/theme/intergiro/index.css" rel="stylesheet">
  <script defer>
		async function tokenize() {
			const element = document.querySelector("intergiro-card-input")
			const card = await element.submit()
			alert("Your token is: " + card)
    <intergiro-card-input class="input" api-key="<public.api.key>"></intergiro-card-input>
    <button type="submit" onclick="tokenize()">Tokenize</button>

When using Card Input UI follow this Verification Guide.