# Pending actions: events and webhooks

When a new pending action is instantiated in the system, a PendingActionCreated event is dispatched. When a user completes the consent flow of a pending action, a PendingActionCompleted event is dispatched. The events are accessible from the Event API and by webhooks.

Example PendingActionCreated event webhook payload:

    "id": "927bf478-e246-477f-b3ef-dfa4b806a640",
    "name": "PendingActionCreated",
    "created_at: "2022-07-29T13:12:30.500Z"

The id of the event can be used to query the pending action associated with the event. Two different approaches can be used to accomplish this:

  • Querying GET /v3/pending_actions using the event_id query parameter
  • Accessing the payload of the event using the Event API endpoint GET /v3/events/:id, and then using the individual_id from the payload object in the response to query GET /v3/pending_actions using the individual_id query parameter


Note that the second approach is suboptimal to the first approach and requires an additional request.

Example of the first approach using the event_id query parameter:

GET /v3/pending_actions?event_id=927bf478-e246-477f-b3ef-dfa4b806a640

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>