# Types of pending actions

Pending actions support different use-cases across several services that 3d API offers. Each type of pending action has a particular UI flow and has difference in values of response payload, which are described below in examples. However the mechanism remains generic and the same for any type, meaning that for every type of created pending action the event PendingActionCreated will be posted, webhook will be sent, corresponding consent will be created and when the UI steps are completed the event PendingActionCompleted will be posted and sent to the registered webhook.

# Onboarding service pending actions

Onboarding as a service requires integration of the following types of pending actions:

  • IdentityVerification
  • ProofOfAddressVerification

IdentityVerification pending action type is triggered by Intergiro when additional identity verification check is required to be passed by the Individual. Pending action will contain the corresponding description which should be shown to the end-user through selected notification mechanism. After fetching the redirect_url based on retrieved consent_id of the type identity_verification, individual should be redirected to pass the required steps of data provision for further processing on Intergiro side.




    "created_at": "2024-02-15T12:49:56.000Z",
    "description": "Please verify your identity. We kindly ask that you complete this verification at your earliest convenience.",
    "expires_at": "2024-02-22T12:49:56.000Z",
    "id": "b46cfa61-b8bf-4cde-b028-c0cb1990666d",
    "payload": {
        "consent_id": "2ca48d0e-4053-4020-8a9a-9d94be51ee5c",
        "individual_id": "5d54e2b4-791a-4e55-9901-6410c768e8f5"
    "type": "IdentityVerification"

ProofOfAddressVerification pending action is triggered by Intergiro when additional proof of address is required to be provided by the end-user. Pending action will contain the corresponding description which should be shown to the end-user through selected notification mechanism. After fetching the redirect_url based on retrieved consent_id of the type proof_of_address_verification, individual should be redirected to pass the required step of the file upload for further processing on Intergiro side.




    "created_at": "2024-02-15T12:49:56.000Z",
    "description": "Please verify your address. We kindly ask that you complete this verification at your earliest convenience.",
    "expires_at": "2024-02-22T12:49:56.000Z",
    "id": "b46cfa61-b8bf-4cde-b028-c0cb1990666d",
    "payload": {
        "consent_id": "2ca48d0e-4053-4020-8a9a-9d94be51ee5c",
        "individual_id": "5d54e2b4-791a-4e55-9901-6410c768e8f5"
    "type": "ProofOfAddressVerification"

Onboarding service pending actions come with a 7-day expiration period, and similarly, the redirect_url from consent also expires after 7 days. The timer for the redirect_url starts ticking after dispatching POST v3/consent/:id, whereas the pending action expiration timer begins upon receiving the PendingActionCreated event.


Please note that even if a pending action expires, the redirect_url from consent can remain valid if it was fetched accordingly.

Onboarding pending actions expiration

Onboarding service pending actions can be triggered repeatedly by Intergiro in case provided data doesn't meet internal requirements. In such a case a new pending action of corresponding type will be created for a particular individual.

# Cards service pending actions

Cards as a service currently support the following pending actions:

  • AuthenticateCardOperation

AuthenticateCardOperation pending action type is triggered by Intergiro when online card payment requires 3D Secure authentication to be done by the Individual. This is a mandatory part of Cards as a service integration.




    "created_at": "2024-02-16T16:24:54.000Z",
    "description": "Confirm card transaction of 10.00 EUR at Test merchant name",
    "expires_at": "2024-02-16T16:32:23.000Z",
    "id": "b46cfa61-b8bf-4cde-b028-c0cb1990666d",
    "payload": {
        "consent_id": "2ca48d0e-4053-4020-8a9a-9d94be51ee5c",
        "individual_id": "5d54e2b4-791a-4e55-9901-6410c768e8f5"
    "type": "AuthenticateCardOperation"

Expiration time frame for AuthenticateCardOperation pending action is directly affected by 3D Secure authorization timeframe and card scheme policies, approximately is valid for 7 minutes, but the exact remaining time is always shown to the Individual on the screen of 3DS request received on online platform where the card payment is initiated. Both pending action expiration and expiration of redirect_url associated with the consent authenticate_card_operation will effectively last for the same amount of time, taking into consideration time of receiving and fetching the details from event, pending action and consent.

Cards pending actions expiration